Tuesday, 24 April 2012

MIDWEEK MOOD: brighten up for spring!

Its dull outside at the moment....but you know there is always a great sunshine after days of rain and we will be rewarded with beautiful blooms everywhere.  This is the time of the year that england becomes alive and a wonderful place to live in.   I live in the city but i still have birds chirping outside my window and everyone lives not far away from a park.
take your camera and go out to the park!  there's always a good photo opportunity.

the  perfect dress for spring!
I finally bought myself one..... in torquise... 

As Apartment Therapy once said:   A Calm home breaths happy people.   Buy i will says that colors in your home will reflects your emotion.  So choose the right colors.

Simply beautiful table setting.

playing with the sweet savvy mama logo...

fabric to color your life.

Refresh your home with new shade using your favorite fabric...

re-use this type of bottle and add a colorful fabric label....great for summer parties.

putting some magic on steve's old flat...

The boat the standout!   taken during a walk around little venice  london canal.

Friday, 20 April 2012

COLOR PLAY: a touch of yellow and green

here is a palatte which i was getting drawn into this year.  I had to stop myself getting an overload of these bold colors.  otherwise it does tend to give me a headache.  So i just want a tiny bold accent of it on 60% WHITE, 30% black and grey, then 10 % on accent colors.

jc toys are now going to stream line!  im now planning to sell some of his plastic toys which occupy too much space.  But have to keep the car bouncer coz it helps me keep jc safe when i have to go down the flat.

i just adore this harajuko dolls that i got from a perfume.  its so cute...

source: Rustaupp.blog

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Source: john lewis   I might buy it in white...for next color change.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


yesterday i was rather bored and was looking for something different to do at home.  I  was getting a headache looking at jc's pop up tent...it stand out like a sore thumb in my living room.  Then came an idea inspire by the tv program The Aventure of abney and tia to hack the pop up tent into a wee like a  teepee, using the tent as a frame, a sheet from ikea, and pegs.

BEFORE -  too  colorful

NOW:   excuse my bum!

I think he a like it too!

with bubble lights on...



Sunday, 15 April 2012

GET THE LOOK: baby in a closet

baby in a closet
here's a sample of a style decor you can use to create a baby nook in a closet.  i choose orla kiely wallpaper to make a feature wall.  this will make a very bold statement  and wow factor to your precious tiny space for your little star.  A simple basic cot will do and just add  some cute handmade soft toy or pillow , a wall birdcage decor and a lamp.  But you need to get rid of the closet door for ventilation and if possible use a humidifier. 

MY WEEKEND: Baby in a closet?

Hi there!  Are you enjoying a bit of sunshine this weekend?  me and the lil jc and his dad had a lovely time shopping in oxford circus,  mostly in john lewis .  Today  i want to show some photos of very inspirational baby space.  Its perfect solution for today's dilema on property.  where most property value went crashing down so most families couldnt  move.  So where do we put our new tiny little person?  Dont despair!  where there is a will, there is a way.

If you want to take a look of my design to create a little space in a closet like these,  then go to GET THE LOOK

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Hello!  hope you had a good easter!  this week had been a very slow days for me since i was stuck at home needed to be home for some phone calls.  apart from our usual stroll to the highstreet shop to buy some vegetables and fruits mostly for jc.  also i couldnt help to feel a bit disappointed with my company not giving me the flexible working hours that this country's government has given as womens right. especially if they have a young child.  I could have made an appeal  but beacuse i was on our holiday, i missed the 28 days period.    Finding out that i couldnt have a flexible working hours and the feelings that i couldnt leave my baby to anyone else but his own father really came as a shock to me.  the realization that i might have to leave my career to look after my baby really did sadden me.  otherwise my life could have been perfect!!

Well,  i guess nobody could have a perfect life otherwise life could be dull.   I might just be heading to a new direction, new career,  A NEW BEGINNING.....  A CHANCE TO LIVE WHAT YOU LOVE.... to follow what god is directing me.   i could have fight for my rights....  but i simply didnt have that feelings in me.   i live for todays god's blessings,  i know as long as i work hard and follow my heart.  me and jc would always be ok.
this moment i took this photos,  i know god is listening to my prayer....

a midday rain....is so needed to grow wonderful plants.

here comes the sun....

a time for a good cup of coffee...
i feel lucky that i live in a place where every season look wonderful.   a view of the skies make me feel closer to heaven.  everyday is a new day...a new beginning....
and to see this smiley face is pure love and joy.....

Monday, 9 April 2012

INSPIRE ME MONDAY: a very special artist and friend

I was very priveleged to be sent of a samples of new paintings of a very talented french artist JOSIE BAILLON  who lives in Andernos les bain from Bordeaux,  her works are a collective of abstract paintings which shows so much emotion and artistic expressions.  Breathtaking and Beautiful..... thank you so much josie for showing me these.

i have been inspire by the painting to do some interior styling.

rooms with bold colors....

Saturday, 7 April 2012

MY WEEKEND: one bright lazy afternoon with my li'l man

li'l jc
 hello ....just to share some photos taken this week. we've  been so busy going to the children center everyday so this good  friday i decided to have a nice quiet afternoon with my little fella,  cook a lovely meal for myself, take snap photos of the little cruiser while i do some editing on my polyvore.   i  had been noticing my little man had started to develop a bit of a cheeky character , learned what make mommy tick.. constantly trying to do things that i stop him to do.  so im trying to do reverse psychology.  just had to child proof my house to avoid him getting hurt.
this picture has a lot of resembrance to his daddy...

Egg hunt?

snack for the li'l man.....melted cheese on toasted bagle and cherry tomatoes

can't wait to go out....

reading?  or just trying to look smart?

my late lunch/dinner combined-  seafood spaghetti.

just put up the happy easter garland

my favorite spring flowers

these colors brings sunshine and happiness to any  day.

my handmade crane mobile