living in a 1 bed flat is sure is a challenge for accomodating a baby. But since the father of the baby is still living and working in wales, he is only here on weekends. sure a small baby couldnt really cramp my old single style of keeping a lot of clothes, bags and shoes, wouldnt it? Well here what i did, first of all i did a big decluttering of my own stuff, i had rutelessly got rid of stuff i havent worn or use for more than 1 year. i sold on ebay, gave to charity shops. Then i built my baby's wardrobe inside half of my shoes and handbag closet.
tips: separate going out clothes, everyday wear and baby essentials toiletries and nappies on each spaces.
Wardrobe : going out clothes also i keep his older clothes which i am collecting.
I cut an old curtain pole to fit the length of the wardrobe and got some hook to hang it from a local diy shop. also use some fabric from ikea which was on sale and got the matching boxes with it. look, so cute and smelling nice too since i put some potporri that i hang inside a small pouch bag.
Everyday clothes and blankets, this used to be my multimedia cabinet now converting it as a cabinet and baby's changer in the new nursery im going to make in 2 to 3 months when he outgrown his moses basket in my bedroom.
since he is going to be in my room for 2 to 3 months, im using my drawers as his temporary changer so i swap my essentials on the top drawer for his essentials like his nappies, toiletries for easy reaching when i am changing him. and on the top i will put his changing mat.