Love is pure and simple.....

Love, unfortunately, has become one of the most misunderstood and confused words in any language. some want it to mean nothing more than the attraction between the sexes. others want it to mean no more than desire and its satisfaction. And when others speak of it, it seems that love and sex are synonymous. Its all so sad because love understoods any of these is hardly love. It is confused: the wrapper is taken for the content.
Love is really like life. It is so vast in its meaning, so varied in its expressions and so rich in its manifestations that one has to be fully alive in order to understand love fully. As someone wrote: " The best definition of love is a loving person.
The measure of love, then, is not what our hearts dictate or what our desires lead us to. Love is very much greater than what i now can feel. It is much more than the urges i fell within. Love is, above all, the goodness that is within me that i must share with the goodness of other persons.
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